Saturday, March 1, 2008

Computer Games Addiction.

"the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. "-

The meaning of addiction is: the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma, taken from The meaning of computer games addiction is someone who is in a state of being enslaved to playing the computer, to such an extent that when he/she stops, it causes severe trauma.

Some people might say that they will not be addicted to computer games, but the ruth is everybody might get addicted. For example, a 20 year old guy still plays computer, and when you ask him if he is addicted, he will say no. Just like many people, they are afraid o face the truth that they are addicted to computer games. Being addicted to computer games will have many negative impacts on your body.
1- Bad for your eyes. Looking at computer screen for too long.
2- Bad for your health. People who are addicted to playing games will give up their food for computer games. And they usually snack on tidbits.
3-Bad for social life. Playing computer games discourages you from interacting with people.

Many people might say that playing computer games is just for relaxation, but i disagree. To relax you need not play computer games, you can do other things such as sports, reading books, or even talking to people. I find that role playing games, rpg,are the most addictive.

When people are addicted to a certain game, they will usually be angry if not able to play the game. This not only affects their relationship with their family or friends, it also causes them to only be aware of the games they play and it will affect their education.

As there are more people playing computer games nowadays, there are more people being addicted. Statistics from China's newspapers have shown that there are more and more people getting addicted to computer games so bad that they need to be sent to mental hospitals.

To end this off, I would like to say that computer games not only affect a person mentally, it also affects a person physically.

T1 Wk 8

*T1 Wk8*
"Beep! Beep!" The alarm rang. John, a native of ireland took a cursory glance at the files before trying to escape. "There is an interloper! Close all the exits!" The senior security guard bellowed. The cache of files was under the bulwark of an underground facility guarded by the army. The doors closed as John slid out the doors.

What is a blog for?

Today I will tell you more about what a blog is. The definition of a blog is a shared on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies, as taken from Why do people want to create a blog? A blog allows people to communicate with one another no matter what country.

I have already answered mst of the questions many people ask, but that is only my opinion. I have seen many people creating blogs for fun, while others use their blog to flame. This is not the right thing to do. Most people keep online diaries to share about experiences, like a holiday or visiting some place. I personally have this blog to help with my school work, journal. I think that blogs have many purposes, when I read this reader's digest issue about a lady, I found that her blog had many meaningful materials. She shared about her life, and one very special part of it where she lived inside her car. This is an example on how people share their life stories with others. Blogs are being read by many people, many people do not know that, but if there was a counter added, you would see that many people actually visit blogs. Going back onto my point on what is a blog for, I realised that a blog is just like a diary, but less inimate, mostly talking about what happened on that certain day.

A personal diary is one where a person can share all of his or her secrets, thus making it more intimate. As a blog can be read by many people all over the world, I feel that it is really public. The only thing people can do is just to keep their secrets to themselves.

T1 Wk 7

*T1 Wk7*
I remembered that when i was young I watched this show. There was a man that was culpable of the liquidation of a cop. But the police had caught the wrong person and they persevered to the fact that he was the acomplice of the murderer when he had nothing to do with the case. The man was executed before he could see a lawyer. His case was a controversial one, and although the culprit was caught, the police still insisted that he was the accomplice.

T1 Wk 7

I remembered that when i was young I watched this show. There was a man that was culpable of the liquidation of a cop. But the police had caught the wrong person and they persevered to the fact that he was the acomplice of the murderer when he had nothing to do with the case. The man was executed before he could see a lawyer. His case was a controversial one, and although the culprit was caught, the police still insisted that he was the accomplice.

T1 Wk 6

When Jack enrolled into the company, he aspired to be in the management comittee. As Jack was deaf in one ear, his manager and other staff in the office inveighed against him. Jack was nettled by the biasness but he could do nothing about it. Then a fire broke out. Some of his colleagues were trapped in the building. Although he did not like them, he risked his life to save them. Jack was commended for his valor and his colleagues were not bias against him anymore.

T1 Wk 5

During a war, the mission of a country is to subjugate another country. They would usually shell a country, when shelling occurs, a subterranean bunker is the haven for many people. It is incontrovertible that the ultimate goal of the country will eventuate in many deaths.

T1 Wk 4

When I told my mother that i wanted to be a doctor, she went into a long diatribe to coax me out, but I was the ilk that were stubborn as a mule. To become a doctor, sciences are integral. Although the remuneration as a doctor is high, i find that doctors have to work really hard.

T1 Wk 3

When I was young i remembered that i was zealous about work. I was always sanguine about the way i do my work. Apart from the meticulous questions that I did not know how to do, I could easily understand mathematic formulas. As years go by, I was growing more and more lax and rash. When i do questions I would rarely check, thus causing my marks to drop.

Internet gaming

Internet Gaming.I guess most of you out there have played Internet games. In this generation, it is not surprising to see adults playing Internet. I too play games. Many games have different objectives, e.g. completing quests, leveling up to allow you to unlock more skills, etc. There are even sports games. As many would have already known, gaming is very addictive. Once you start it will be very difficult for you to stop. This is how many companies earn money. There are many different genres of games. Some people like action games, while others might like massive multiplayer online games such as Maple Story, or DotA. Usually massive multiplayer online games allow people from different countries to interact with one another.

Well many might think that adults know how to control themselves if they start playing computer games, but it is not true. I have known many adults who spend their monthly pay to buy games, such as World Of Warcraft. Many adults who do that are usually already addicted to that game. I have seen adults playing in cyber cafes during their lunch break.

Being addicted to such games can be bad, especially if you are still studying. There are good and bad towards everything, and I mean everything. Ever heard of the saying: all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy? This proves that even doing too much work can be bad for you! If work can be bad for you games can also have the same effect. Now I will share the pros and cons of Internet gaming with you.

Pros: -Help you relax when you are stressed.

-Can interact with more people.

Cons: -Easy to get addicted to games

-Because you to spend unnecessary money which you can spend on other more important things, such as books or food.

-Spend unnecessary time, which you can spend on more meaningful things.

-When you get addicted you will get very anti-social.

-When you get addicted you will get angry easily for no reason.

-Your English will get worse due the fact that many people use short forms while playing games.

Therefore I think that a little Internet games might be okay but too much is not good. As more people play, the gaming industry can only get bigger.

T1 Wk 2

I remember about five years ago, i was obsessed with the idea of not studying. I was lucky that my parents talked me out of it, or else next time i would have had to be a toilet cleaner, road sweeper and others of that ilk. How i wanted to be like that was a really long story. When I was young, i loved to play, and i really hated school, since in childcare i had to stay there for about ten hours. When I was in childcare, many classmates influenced me into watching television. At that time it was the only luxury to me since at that time there were not many computer games. One day, I told my mother that I was sick, and she let me stay home. In my mind, people who go home early are the lucky ones, so I requested to study half day. Due to the amount of work my mother had to take care of, the request was rejected. Thus I started to not like school and eventually had the idea of not studying. Home was a utopia to me as everything I wanted was all at home. But as time passed i found that staying at home was boring, and friends played an integral role in my life. When i went back to school, i felt timorous because I was afraid that the teacher might scold me. When I went back to kindergarten, the class held placards to welcome me back. At that moment I felt as if arock that weighed a thousand pounds had been lifted off my shoulders.

T1 Wk 1

It was a really great day. The sun was shining and the cloud was azure. My family and I decided to go for a swim with some of my friends. Although some of my friends were coerced into coming along, they were sanguine about the trip. On the way to the club, we quipped about our Maths teacher Mrs Lim. We were talking about how she spoke, and how she looked. We stayed at the club for four hours, playing with one another. After about two hours, we decided not to play anymore, we were hungry and tired. We took a bath and ordered some food. The next two hours was spent on playing pool. At four o’ clock, we split paths and returned to our domicile. When i returned home i was totally exhausted and slept until the next day.